Is there anything I can do about my dog’s bad breath?

31 March 2022 2840 view(s)
Is there anything I can do about my dog’s bad breath?

Is there anything I can do about my dog’s bad breath?

Plaque is a sticky film that builds up in the mouths of dogs, just as in humans. Bacteria within plaque are constantly forming – it begins with your dog’s mealtime when particles of food remain on their teeth. This food, alongside saliva and the existing bacteria in their mouth can cause the build-up of plaque, which over time can calcify into tartar, and if left untreated, can result in bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay.

Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce the build up of tartar and to help keep your dog’s breath fresh and clean. Brushing your dog’s teeth with a dog-friendly toothbrush will help to remove food particles and plaque, and you should make this part of your regular routine.

Adding a daily supplement to your dog’s diet, containing the organic seaweeds bladderwrack and kelp provides a natural source of prebiotics that can assist in creating a healthy balance of bacteria throughout your dog’s digestive system, and has also been shown to have the potential to specifically inhibit the build-up of gram-negative plaque bacteria in the mouth. When your dog takes this organic powder, sprinkled onto food, it is absorbed through the blood stream then imparted into the saliva where it has the ability to soften and dissolve tartar, and disrupt the plaque biofilm to prevent it from sticking to the teeth and allowing new layers to form.  

So, by targeting your dog’s oral microbiome, you can discourage the build up of plaque and tartar on their teeth and soften and remove existing deposits to help to keep their mouth clean and breath fresh.

Organic seaweed powders are vegan, non-allergenic and wholly natural functional foods. They can provide a source of a wide range of naturally occurring micronutrients which are important for health but widely deficient in both human and animal diets.  

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