GOOD GUT MONTH: Unlock your digestive health
At Cytoplan, our ranges are developed by our nutritional therapists using the latest scientific research. Over 90% of our range is vegan and we cover a variety of categories from dental health to sleep, exercise and travel nutrition.
Each range has its own benefits from our dedicated men & women's ranges' to the superior quality of ingredients used in our pet range.
Our best-selling categories include our founding Wholefood & Food state range, Soil Association certified organic range and our science backed children's range.
Our Wholefood supplements are derived from a number of plant sources and are well utlised because, as food nutrients, they are recognised by the body as beneficial and nourishing. Products in our range include CoQ10 Multi, Vitamin D3 Vegan & Organic Vitamin C.
Our Food State nutrients are combined with a variety of natural food bases that naturally carry significant levels of the required nutrient. This ensures they come complete with phytonutrients that are necessary for optimal absorption, utilisation and retention in the body. Products in the range include Food State Vitamin C, Super B Extra & Biofood magnesium.
Our organic supplements are certified organic by the Soil Association - the highest level of organic growing and quality control. The supplements in our organic range are derived from fruits, vegetables and botanicals which contain naturally high levels of certain nutrients.
Children require suitable levels of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids for both mental and physical growth and development. Our Children's range has been meticulously developed with both taste and nutritive value in mind includes our popular children's chewable multi; Nutri Bears to our lemon flavoured liquid fish oil; Kids Omega 3.